Air Force Clothing
Clothing items on this page are largely based on the series of Ruglation books the Ministry of Defence published before and during the 2nd World War. The books are the Valtakunnan sotavoimien virkapukuja, or (S.V.) (The Uniforms of the Armed Forces of the State) from 1922, the Valtakunnan Puolustusvoimien virkapukuohjesääntö, or (V.P.O.) (The Uniform Regulations of the Defence Forces of the State) from 1930 and the 1941 and 1942 editions of the Vuonna 1939 ja senjälkeen vahvistetut polustuslaitoksen henkilökunnan virkapukumääräykset (The Uniform Regulations of the Staff of the Department of the Defence Formalized in the Year 1939 and Later). These regulations include most of the clothing items, rules on their use and materials that defined their use and manufacture before the end of the 2nd World War. Other sources mentioned on the Bibliography-page compliment these sources as well as the collection of original photographs available in the Finnish Wartime Photograph Archive (